Monday, January 2, 2012

Bike Check 1234

True the world does not need me, and to lesser(or greater) degree it doesn't need another blog about our 2 wheeled friends.
The reality is, well I guess I have a confession to make. I want free stuff. Why shouldn't I be able to test your new; winter jersey, steel cyclocross frame set, wool socks, mtb shoes, water proof jacket, and clincher wheels. I'll give you a semi-honest ok-ish review. If needed I'll take 100;000 euro and put you on top of the podium! Just imagine the possibilities! I'll even shave my legs and model your new bib shorts.

I promise to use your products in epic fashion.

Now that I got that out of the way I really,really,reeally, do love the bicycle and I suspect you do too. You can tell I do cause I put in an extra E in that last really. It's easy to become obsessed and I may have perhaps a borderline disorder and I think my bicycle would be wise to take a restraining out on me.